About Me

I am a lover of story and the stories behind stories.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Your Best Self

The Doctor - "900 years of time and space and I've never met anyone who wasn't important."  (New Season 6, Christmas Special)
You can surround yourself with inspirational quotes, intellectualize all your feelings, and consciously act according to the prescribed or determined rules. However, until you learn to actually love yourself – for all your faults and all your strengths and weaknesses- you’ll never be able to get over the negative things you think about yourself.  Until you accomplish that, you’ll never be able to move forward toward being the person you were meant to be. All that negativity will hold you back. To reach your potential, to understand the reason you were put on this Earth, you must let go of the negative, even the negative you do not consciously know you are holding. 

This is not an easy task. You have learned these things, and they can be unlearned, but they will not be unlearned easily. It will take time. But, have faith!  Be kind to yourself. You did not learn these things overnight. You will not unlearn them overnight. If you succeed, however, you can find that person. The person you were meant to be - your best self. Your contented self.The self that goes out into the world and lives your dream. 

“We’re all stories, in the end.  Just make it a good one, eh?” — The Doctor (New Season 5, Episode 13)

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