About Me

I am a lover of story and the stories behind stories.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Prayer for Enough

I keep a box on my desk marked "SFGTD." It's a trick I picked up years ago. It stands for "Something For God To Do." Originally, I think I read it as a metaphor in an e-mail, but I found an old, small tissue box and started doing this. I take a piece of paper, write a prayer to God on it, something I am struggling with, then put it in "His In-Box". The idea is that I then "walk away" from the worry, and give it up to God. I'm not saying it always works, but you'd be surprised the number of times, when I, infrequently, dump all the papers out and look through them, that they are prayers that have been answered. Today I did this again, and found this prayer from 2009. I thought it might be time to share it!

Dear Lord,
Please give me enough.

Enough money to live moderately
Enough love to sustain me
Enough friendship not to be lonely without being crowded
Enough patience to ease others' trials and pains
Enough intelligence to understand
Enough faith not to need to understand everything
Enough food to not be hungry
Enough want to not be gluttonous
Enough generousity to share the blessings you give me with others
Enough power to never be a victim
Enough will never to be a slave
Enough humility to never be a tyrant
Enough honour never to cheat or lie
Enough sex with love to stave off lustfulness
Enough pain to make me appreciate pleasure & peace
Enough activity to keep me stimulated
Enough rest to make me strong
Enough weakness to make me humble
Enough darkness to recognize light
Enough work to appreciate what I have
Enough sweet to make me not feel deprived
Enough savory to keep me nourished
Enough family to make me feel at home, wanted, and safe
Enough danger to recognize safety
Enough travel to appreciate home
Enough relaxation to ease my tension
Enough tears to appreciate smiles
Enough water to keep me from being thirsty
Enough contact with You to remind me always that I am your child


"Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day"
2 Corinthians 4:16 (NIV)

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